Oz United – Jousting between fact and fiction on the Middle East problem; but saving Australia?

Well, the world is in turmoil. The Gaza is slowly being cleared by the Israeli military. There is a large gas reserve under Gaza and Israel with the US help aims to get it. You don’t have to be too bright to realise that something is wrong with the picture of 60,000 troops,  (now as at the 31st of July, 82,000) with tanks are marching into the Palestinian Gaza destroying the civilian population and their homes, hospitals and schools.

Although Hamas is sending ‘rockets’ into Israeli territory they are not effective. That’s mainly due to the nature of home made rockets. If someone came into you patch, took it over, and declared you an alien are you just going to pack up and leave? I wouldn’t! Well that is what is happening and the world is slowly waking up.

Propaganda that has us believe that Hamas holds civilian population as human shields, firing rockets from hospitals and schools and hospitals has been effective until the introduction of the social media.  Slowly beliefs are quietly being challenged and the Israel government brutality is being seen as questionable.  That’s the best that ca be expected at this stage until the UN gets a grip on itself.  Don’t hold your collective breath as the US has the UN under control and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee has control of America.  But then I may just be too emotional over the targeting of women and children. I would like to include here some books on the subject and I detail them below.

Books to read which will address most of the issues are:

The Transfer Agreement – Edwin Black  The dramatic story of the pact between the Third Rreich and the Jewish Palestine is a historic book documenting the transfer agreement (“Haavara Agreement” in Hebrew) between Zionists and Nazi Germany to transfer a number of Jews (I think the amount was 60,000) and their assets to Palestine.  This is a very readable book and gives revelations of Jews who actually worked with the Nazi.

51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis – Lenni Brenner .  This book brings to  light, through actual historic documents, the disservice that the Zionist did to Jews before and during the Holocaust.

(Lenni Brenner has authored three critically acclaimed books on Jewish history; Zionism in the Age of Dictators, The Iron Wall:  Zionist Revisionism from Jabotinsky to Shamir and Jews in America Today.  He currently resides in New York.)

The Battle for Justice in Palestine – Ali Abunimah  “In this essential work journalist Ali Abunimah takes a comprehensive look at the shifting tides of the politics of Palestine and the Israelis in a neoliberal world and makes a compelling and surprising case for why the Palestine solidarity movement might just win.

Against out Better Judgement – Alison Weir.  The hidden History of how the U.S. was used to create Israel.  Prodigiously documented….. Alison must be highly commended for throwing such a brilliantly hard light on the relationship between the U.S.  and Israel.   Ambassador Andrew Killgore (Unfortunate name!) Publisher Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, wrote a great review on this book.

The above reading will draw your attention to the fact that all Jews are not created equal and that the Jews in Power in Israel are the most radical (and in some quarters loathed by fellow Jews) and as we have seen, the most ruthless who do not acknowledge decency in their prosecution of their push to take all of Palestine.  They are so ruthless that they have in place a protocol of world destruction if the land of Israel is at all denied them.  For information on this look up the

Samson Option: The Real Nuclear Threat.


Be afraid

These books have been critically reviewed and well worth a read if you really have a wish to see the carnage of Israels efforts cease and protest the carnage that Israel is inflicting.

I wrote to the person who pushes Oz United’s buttons to ask for some help in publishing information on his website surrounding the Gaza deaths in the hope that he, being a self proclaimed “moral and intelligent’ person would look to it kindly. I received a tirade of abuse and a quick ‘course of Middle East politics’ (his course) which was decades old. His angle was that if I was pulling for the Palestinians then I must be Muslim radical and therefore evil!  I would even say he had a bigoted view!  However it was really fortunate to have his opinion as it made me realise that if this person could be so blind then there is a lot of work to do to convince the world that Israel has to be stopped doing what it is doing.

I thought that only a minority of the people in Gaza were Muslim. The rest are Christian and Jew. Jew? Jew? I hear you say! As I might have mentioned, there is a lot of history and to start you should read what type of Jew runs Israel. More on that later however there are many well respected Rabbis who slam the type of Jew in power in Israel today.

My request to Oz United:

Good morning Peter, Out of interest for the truth I have posted two articles which won’t be found on our press regarding our PM s recent outburst on the blame apportioned to the Russians over the downing of MH 17. I’m sending this to you in the hope that you may help disseminate the alternative reports which are smothering the fact that Zionists in great numbers have attacked and slaughtering helpless women and children while the worlds focus is drawn to the Ukraine. There is much much more to these stories demonstrating a higher agenda. It’s the world we live in. Thanks Peter. 

OzUnited reply: 

Hello Brnard, I write this e-mail on the assumption that you love the Australian way of life and would like to see our nation prosper and progress. Do you? Then WHY are you serving Australia’s (and the West’s) enemies? Frankly Bernard, e-mails like the one you sent me seriously distress me. I’d say ‘depress’ me, but I don’t allow myslef to get depressed. But I do allow myself to get angry at the rampant ignorance and stupidity that is KILLING our nation. It is clear that you are reasonably well-educated Australian. It is also clear that you – like so many others – are a sucker for lies, conspiracy theories and – to say this simply – absolute bullshit. WHAT is it with so many Australians that, when presented with truth or lies, they will choose to believe the lies????!!! The very fact that you onforward material from Global Research is indicative that you have littlle understanding of the massive web of ‘activist’ groups whose goal is to to destabilise the West and bring about our destruction. Yes, Bernard – OUR – meaning you too. And yet you are a ‘soldier’ in THEIR army! One of the ways their ‘war’ is waged is to feed misinformation and disinformation to spread, dissent, distrust and confusion amongst ‘the enemy’. “The enemy” is YOU and ME, and all Westerners, Bernard. (Remember, I’m assuming you actually are patriotic to Australia.) And when a Westerner – like you – buys into the misinformation and spreads it, then that person is serving the agenda of those who, as I say, seek to undo US. I’m not going to go into great detail here Bernard – – I don’t have the time – but instead will offer you a choice. Over the past three years I have PROVED myself via my work through OzUnited. If by now you don’t know that I know what I am talking about, then you will never know – and you may as well quite OzUnnited. Read first the background of the Make a decision. Either now believe ME – and embrace what I say, without argument – or leave OzUnited and continue to support people and organisations …. …. read this carefully, Bernard… ……………………………………………………………………THAT YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT!!!! I am absolutely sick and tired of the incredible ignorance and stupidity that pervades this society. NO WONDER Australia is on a highway to hell. There is an ignorant idiot around every corner! They are so ignorant they don’t even know how they are damaging the fabric of our society – destroying our nation, ignorantly stupid little bit by ignorantly stupid little bit. And worse, they try to make ignorant idiots of others by onforwarding completely UNSUBSTANTIATED CRAP created by complete strangers who could be anywhere in the world. Read through the “Global Research” website and you’ll find there is NO mention of who finances them. If you think they can do what they solely on donations, then you are an even bigger sucker. Somebody is putting big dollars into that organsation – and it is definitely not any Western Civilisation supporting conservative person or organisation! Are you a leftist/socialist, Bernard? If you are, why are you subscribed to OzUnited? If you are not a socialist, then why are you promoting leftist/socialist organisations? Read – …no, STUDY!!! . ……. THIS website, Bernard, and realise that you – and so many other Australians – better start start waking up to who Australia’s REAL ‘friends’ are and who are our REAL enemies. THIS page explains the incredible ‘web-of-subversive-groups’ financed by George Soros, a man who hates the West with every bone in his body – even though the USA gave him the opportunity to go from poverty to being a multi-billionaire. Make a decision, Bernard, choose to either believe my judgment or leave OzUnited and, by your support of evil that you know nothing about, go and be part of the destructive forces of evil that is sweeping the world. And NEVER EVER send me another brain-dead ‘Anti Israel’ or “Global Research” email. How can you – and others – not understand that you are strengthening ISLAM when you spread lies about Israel? Peter Forde http://www.ozunited.info Yes, a very enlightening email from someone who is looking to save Australia. Some more: Peter Forde 21 Jul (10 days ago) to me Further to my previous e-mail Bernard, here are two things to THINK about. If you don’t ‘get’ the first one, you’ll definitely not understand the second. ONE TWO Watch this short video and see what kind of EVIL you support by sending hate-Israel mail

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fSvyv0urTE&authuser=0 Preview YouTube video David Horowitz at UCSD 5/10/2010. Hosted by Young Americans for Freedom and DHFC.jpg

https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=63c806b358&view=att&th=147589798b8154fe&attid=0.1&d isp=safe&zw hamas rocket,

That was OzUniteds offering.  Same old dogma of one who does not wish to take his head out of the sand and learn that the information now available outlines the way that Palestine was settled.  History really tells us now that things should be different to the point that both jews and Palestinians were meant to live together in peace under the one banner.  Israel.  The Balfour Declaration;  

The Balfour declaration (dated 2 November 1917) (From Wikipedia) In 1917, the British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour communicated the Balfour Declaration to the leader of the of United Kingdom’s Jewish community Lord Rothschhild for transmission to the Zionist Federation.

“His Majesty’s government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will facilitate the achievement of the object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by jews in any other country.”

From this it seems that there is a case for the Palestinians.  This being the case there is little wonder they are throwing rocks at what they see as invaders. I answered OzUnited’s reply with :

Good morning Peter,

I now have a little time to respond to you. I was about to let the issue rest Peter but my conscience will not allow that easy way out; it is time that the people that are subjects of propaganda, are given another perspective to think about especially if they are in search of the truth. Peter you seem to be one of those subjects. I trust that you are one that is never satisfied with nothing less than the truth and recognises that truth has no half measures or unsavoury elements missing. Evil wears the cloak of the ignorance well when it stifles the truth. Your paradigms of the issues surrounding the Palestinian/Israeli conflict I think, clouds your judgment which I thought should have become more fertile with the passing of years, with the introduction of information previously with held from us as a nation; as individuals. You still seem to hold the belief, which was moulded as a result of the the insight to the suffering in which we were allowed to see of the Holocaust and the horror, for the Jews in Europe to occupy land which did not, it seems solely belong to them. Another people needed to be displaced: the Palestinians. If your education hasn’t allowed you to see that fact then your education is not complete. Why should your followers then believe what you say? The Palestinians didn’t oversee the hollocaust but Israel is perpetrating their own version on them, of that there is little doubt. Your example of a deeply moral person Dennis Prager with whom you obviously have an affiliation with and for his works speaks from that platform and not from one of recognised history; not from what has been recognised now as a mistake of the colonial powers which ‘gave’ away the Palestinian homeland. He has simply trotted out the dogma that empowers the Israel-loving bigots. He doesn’t educate, he punctuates the Zionist party line. He told a simple half truth of which many pieces of the jigsaw of this problem are missing. He doesn’t mention any new and accepted debate. He is just a tool for Zionism and should simply be seen in that context so there is no morality there. Such are the the powers of the victors in war. It really is quite simple and interesting when one embraces all the history of the Arabs and the Jews. I have started that education Peter and I am shocked at what I have learned. We need people like you Peter to recognise the whole truth and use your untiring energy to push for equality! But pre-supposes that you could recognise the truth. Yes, I am aware that the UN had sanctioned this: blah blah. Do you still put your faith in the UN Peter? They handled the Bosnian and Rwandan crises well, don’t you think? Those amongst others whose outcome was to realise the innocents needlessly died. The UN, another state of the US? But here I am opening another can of worms which will have no end of grubs evident at the feed trough. Just as Australia invited herself to the Vienam war so we marched on Iraq without UN sanction and annihilated a population. For what reason Peter? Do you think they are better off? Was it something we would do again given the facts? In the face of terror yes we should you say? Palestine next? You have been deluded Peter which is evident in your beliefs of the present situation. Could it be that in your previous studies that you read only from the nominated texts in your quest for an education? An education it seems, the gaining of which is only used to brow beat anyone who disagrees with your long held views. That’s all I can really see in you Peter, a person who has never refreshed his education at all and is still at war with all and sundry because of being affected by the ending of apartheid of his native born land. I wonder if you see some sort of parallel with your departure from your homeland and to the issues of the Palestinians? What I do care about is the Israeli military terrorist organisation, the largest in the world and it is far more effective that any Arab terrorist organisation. These words, by the way are the words of the Israeli military Generals son, Miko Peled. You have the video there, look up his Bio. Look at it with an open mind Peter without your prejudice to bind you, and only then you may be blessed with the ambition to look at the issues that will allow us to live in peace. Then, and only after recognising the corruption of the issue by the US, UK and Israel can you appreciate the sunlight through the prism of life. Only then will you   realise that Australia is not being broken not so much from within but is absolutely corrupted by the vested interests in and of the countries without that I have mentioned. This done to a degree that we don’t even recognise we are being screwed into complementing their agenda. I suspect that it is because of the situation we find ourselves in this regard that we will never have strong and honest (Moral?) representation of our people in government. I will state to you again in clear terms, in terms you understand. The fact I mention any issue does no automatically put me at odds with the argument. The fact I mention the carnage in Gaza does not mean that I am a follower of Islam. I find the cult obcene as I do Chritianity, as between them both they have caused more suffering and misery that can be bared. To use your phrase for clarity Peter, only the “brain dead, evil and immoral” would state such a thing. Am I clear on this? Thank you. No more about it then. In closing, your offering on the mosque in Bendigo gives the state of play but you in your email are not ‘leading’ to any action. Will there be a call to action Peter or are you simply going to bleat your efforts in contacting the authorities. As you saw it is a waste of time. I have already signed a petition ages ago to stop that happening and am willing to travel to Bendigo to show strength of conviction in any protest. See you there at some time Peter? It isn’t just the fact of the mosque, but as you have so correctly identified, the government has control over us. It’s been like that Peter because of people like you who refuses to re-educate by opening your mind to what is really happening. By the way I did indicate in my email that I saw the video made by Dennis Prager. However it seems now you did not read my email. I had bookmarked and also watched it a second time before your reply, to see if I could glean something that I did not already know but sadly there was none. Nevertheless, a very polished offering and I think that it will satisfy some as an answer. He looks good as well don’t you think? Seems a nice bloke well groomed, a strong clear voice, authoritative, projects gravitas! Has to be true then! Does his university have affiliations with Zionism I wonder. Who funds it, I wonder. I don’t know but I must delve a little to find out from which platform he speaks. Then I can understand more of you Peter. Not that that is important for any other reason as to answer a question that I am being irritated with, the question being why do I subscribe to Oz United. One l reason was your self proclaimed education and intelligence on all matters worldly and for the good of Australia. That reason for me is evaporating. If you wish to further attack me on my beliefs by what amounts to mind control then I can’t help you in your efforts and endeavours. I would suggest that you simply wake up to yourself, you have good skills and the ability to focus people. The direction of focus I might suggest you work on a little more. You would have seen this in your travels and I think it appropriate for you to consider: “speak your truth quietly and clearly, and listen to others even the dull and ignorant for they to have their story” I know now that I was wrong to contact you initially regarding the Gaza situation. I wish to apologise to you for that error of judgement which launched you into frustration. I succumbed to being rather emotional after seeing women and children being slaughtered. I was suckered in by our media. I wish to apologise to you for that error of judgement. Peter I don’t see anything further being fruitfully discussed between us in the present light. Your demands for answers from me, I feel are not designed for you to learn something but to allow you to plunge into further ill considered attacks to which I simply refuse to devote any more time. I am not at your disposal for fatuous and fanciful debate when your only reason for doing so is self serving. If you wish, the only latitude I will allow you here is to permit you to reproduce our emails in full to your followers. However I suspect you won’t because you then have control of how your followers will view it. But then on the other hand if you are right and I am wrong, post it and make an example of me! It will stimulate healthy debate and who knows, may accept that there is something to learn or you simply might be able to ferret out any other detractor of your line of thought. The possibility of a more sophisticated debate may present itself. Who knows? If you do publish, however, I wish to be included on the distribution list and be made available for debate. Please don’t waste your time responding to the above.

Yours in Truth, Honour and the Australian way

It was interesting having this dialogue with Oz United as I can see now just how the rest of the world has been duped into thinking that the Palestinians are all terrorists.  It is propaganda that has been effective and I fear it will take another generation to erase the hate from the Israeli psyche.

Well, OzUnited couldn’t let it rest either and with the following broadside:

Hello Bernard,

Reading your latest e-mail, I have concluded that there is literally nothing I or anyone else could say to you that would change your viewpoints regarding the Palestinian issue. Additionally, I have to start production of an important video now and simply don’t have the time to engage any further with you on this matter. However I will give the matter ‘one last shot’ by responding in blue (below) within your latest comments… May I suggest that you FIRST begin by reading my closing remarks towards the end . That will give you a ‘shortcut’ to understanding why I have taken time with this response. It will also give you a ‘heads up’ to the fact that my responses prove what a fool you make of yourself – and of course that reality will, as you challenged me to do, be broadcast to many people.

Peter forde, http://www.ozunited.info

Following is the above letter with the comments of Peter Forde in bold and my writing in italics.  

It is an interesting reply in many ways.  You read and decide.  I will at a later date give the references needed to turn Peters beliefs on their head.  Peter would be a great advocate if only he would relax his hard line and learn from references on the Palestinian/Israeli/Jew/Zionist debate.  Much different argument on these issues is readily available from middle of the road journalists, authors and university lecturers on the relevant subjects.

Although Wikipaedia give a little insight the whole truth as now detailed is still not evident.  At this level (1917) establishing a Jewish state was the hope.  However the focus is at the present on the genocide that the IMF is carrying out in Gaza and the following books give much truth in determining that the state of Israel was not what was intended by the the Jewish journalist Theodor Hertzl in 1897 who wrote Der Judenstaat, the “Jew’s  State” or ‘The State of Jews” – sometimes erroneously translated as ‘The Jewish State” although Hertzl did not mean it as such (Wikipedia)

Now I’m going to take my cuts from Peter!!

Good morning peter, I now have a little time to respond to you. I was about to let the issue rest peter but my conscience will not allow that easy way out; it is time that the people that are subjects of propaganda (that would be none other than YOU, Bernard, as I shall explain in more detail below), 

are given another perspective to think about especially if they are in search of the truth. (the problem is that your ‘another perspective’ is not based on the truth. In fact, as will be repeatedly demonstrated in this response to you, you have relentlessly avoided the truths that I have – with inarguable supporting evidence – presented to you. In return you have relentlessly presented opinion and unverifiable, unsubstantiated ‘information’ from complete strangers whose credentials you do not know – and whose information and opinions, when measured according to verifiable facts, fail to stand up to intelligent scrutiny.

Peter you seem to be one of those subjects. I trust that you are one that is never satisfied with nothing less than the truth and recognises that truth has no half measures or unsavoury elements missing. Evil wears the cloak of the ignorance well when it stifles the truth.  (I’ll ignore this ridiculous accusation that I am ‘ignorant’. Were it necessary – i.e. for good reason, which you certainly are not – I could present at least 500 well-informed and intelligent people who would confirm that I am amongst the most knowledgeable persons they know. Additionally there is this reference from someone who surely would know how to assess my capabilities – a forensic psychiatrist. What can you produce to demonstrate your self-assumed ‘superiority’ in intelligence and knowledge Bernard? Whilst the meanspiritedmight accuse me of ‘bragging’ the fact is that I have been tested to be in the top 3 percent of the population in regard to ‘verbal intelligence.’ That’s an ability to most accurately comprehend the truth in what is said or written. Can you match that, Bernard, let alone better it? Frankly I’d not be surprised if you have no more than about five people – none of whom would be much above brain-dead themselves – who could say the same about your knowledge and intelligence. Remember, this is another challenge from me for you to validate that your beliefs and opinions are founded on intelligence and truth. If you cannot provide the evidence of your supposedly ‘superior’ intelligence and abilities of perceptions – let alone the evidence of a psychiatrist to affirm them – then you again prove that you are being totally arrogant – and stupid – to be arguing with me on these matters. There is a simple reasonw why I’ll bet you cannot prove your ‘intelligence’ and capabilities. If you had such truthful evidence, then you would surely be intelligent enough to not be holding to such stupidities as you have, in your e-mails to me, demonstrated that you do embrace. )  

Your paradigms of the issues surrounding the Palestinian/Israeli conflict I think, clouds your judgment which I thought should have become more fertile with the passing of years, with the introduction of information previously with held from us as a nation; as individuals.  (as stated above, that ‘information’ to which you refer is opinion backed by a paucity of fact. Additionally, the mainstream media have long shown the greatest bias in presenting the Palestinian issue – relentless pictures of injured Palestinian babies but rare mention of the reality that the Palestinian rocket launchers are deliberately located inside hospitals and schools, etc. You flat-out refuse to recognise that such activity alone – putting a rocket launcher inside a hospital – is clear evidence of the hideous evil of those whom you support! No doubt you embrace some kind of completely immoral ‘justification’ for their actions. )

You still seem  (“seem”? In other words, Bernard, you admit that it is only your assumption!) 

to hold the belief, which was moulded as a result of the insight to the suffering in which we were allowed to see of the holocaust and the horror, for the jews in europe to occupy land which did not, it seems  (“seems” – again you evidence that you don’t really know)

solely belong to them. (you have brought the holocaust into this matter; I have never mentioned it because it is not relevant. But you raise it because you have no valid foundations for your beliefs and therefore must muddy the waters with issues that have no relevance but which you hope will deceptively ‘prove’ that my ‘paradigms’ are skewed. This is typical of the way fools [ and socialists] argue when they have no truth to sustain their viewpoints. Where is your evidence to sustain your lying assertion that my [quote] “belief is moulded by the suffering of the Jews during the holocaust”? You have no evidence because there is none – because that is not my belief. You have therefore simply stated a lie – a lie in order to denigrate me and boost your argument. I herewith challenge you to provide the evidence that would make your statement a truth. If you cannot provide that evidence then you self-evidence that you have falsely and wrongfully accused me. This example is just one of many that evidence your completely dishonest way of thinking. There is another dimension to your wrongful assertion. In psychology it is called ‘projection’ – to ‘project’ onto someone else [me] a belief or perception that YOU innately hold to. Accordingly, I suspect that YOU may have the deep-down ‘hangup’ with regards to the holocaust.)

another people needed to be displaced: the Palestinians  (wrong again! Another lie. The inarguable evidence proves your statement is a lie. Some years ago [ about 8?] The Israelis, in exchange for promises of peace from the Palestinians, handed over Gaza to them. That gave the Palestinians plenty of land with which to build their nation. In fact I suspect that it gave them more territory that even the Israelis have. Land that they could have developed and ‘built’ into a self-sustaining national territory. Go back to 1948 and you will see that, in contrast, the Israelis were given virtually barren desert as their ‘new homeland.’ Did they immediately start shooting the Arabs and blaming everybody else? No. They worked their backsides off and developed a fertile, productive country out of unwanted, barren desert. Even as the Arabs were relentlessly attacking them. In contrast, what have the Palestinians done over the past decade or three? Instead of wanting to live in peace with the Israelis, they relentlessly spent their aid money on…weapons of war. The did almost nothing to develop their land and still blame the Israelis for their problems. These are inarguable historical facts, Bernard. But there is much more. What you don’t know is that I have had a ‘Google news alert’ in place for about eight years. It’s a system that whenever the word “katyusha” (as in ‘rocket’ or ‘missile’) appears in a “latest news” item, I get ‘alerted’ to that news.   Over the past many years I have received many hundreds (maybe thousands?) of such alerts, most of them about a news item of another katyusha rocket being fired into Israel from either Gaza or Lebanon. [note: there is a Russian ice-hockey team named the “katyusha” team, but international news items about them are rare.] Katyusha rockets being fired into Israel have been relentlessly happening during years of what was supposed to be a ‘peaceful’ period. But the worst is that our mainstream media never reports on those missiles being regularly and randomly fired into Israeli cities. [And you say the media is biased towards Israel? Hahahaha!] I repeat…at least hundreds of such rocket attacks that never get reported. I remember about two years ago some 75 missile attacks on Israelin the space of about one month. NOT ONE was reported in the mainstream press. Frankly, at one stage I was getting the ‘alerts’ so regularly that I didn’t even bother to read the complete news item – so many were there. Bernard, what you ‘blindly’ (and bigotedly) see as Israel ‘s ‘invasion’ of gaza is without doubt a retaliation in order to stop the relentless random rocket attacks. If your next-door neighbour keeps throwing rocks at your home’s windows for many years, sometimes hurting someone inside, are you going to keep ‘being nice’ because everybody else in the neighbourhood wants you to? What Israel has now done is merely a ‘small-scale’ example of the American ‘invasion’ of europe in WWII to stop hitler’s relentless warmongering. Bernard, if you don’t know that Islam (which is what ‘rules’ Palestine) is committed to war in order to (a) totally destroy Israel and (b) completely “rule the world” then you must be the most ignorant of idiots. How can you not understand that what is going on in Palestine is almost a ‘side-show’ of the ‘main event’ of Islam’s determined aggression across the planet? Obviously you cannot, and that is why you are supporting Islam – even if you don’t know it or refuse to admit it. So do not give me your [quote] ” in truth, honour and the Australian way” which I will yet explain below is delusional rubbish anyway! ) if your education hasn’t allowed you to see that fact then your education is not complete. Why should your followers then believe what you say? The Palestinians didn’t oversee the hollocaust (repeat: you dishonestly wave “the holocaust” sign, not me) but Israel is perpetrating their own version on them, of that there is little doubt. (again, you make the ’emotional’ and therefore ‘inflammatory propaganda’ statement that Israel is causing, in your opinion, a “Palestinian holocaust”. Where is your evidence that what is happening in this latest conflict is anything near to a ‘holocaust’? Six million dead Jews is a ‘holocaust’, not a few hundred dead Arabs and Jews. Here again you self evidence how you twist truth and exaggerate to serve your dishonest beliefs.)

Your example of a deeply moral person (dennis prager with whom you obviously have an affiliation with  – well yes! Only an immoral fool would not have an ‘affiliation with’ a ‘deeply moral person! Duh!! Incidentally, pretending to be educated and intellectual’ has pitfalls. For example, ‘affiliation’ – as in ‘connection to’ – is the incorrect term. The word you should be using is ‘affinity’) 

and for his works speaks from that platform  (what platform? The platform of ‘truth and morals’? You have a problem with that?) 

and not from one of recognised history; not from what has been recognised now as a mistake of the colonial powers which ‘gave’ away the Palestinian homeland. He has simply trotted out the dogma that empowers the Israel -loving bigots.  (His video only tells the factual, verifiable history from the time that Israel ’s ‘homeland’ – over thousands of years – was returned to the Israelites. You lie to call it ‘trotted-out dogma’. Another challenge: prove me wrong in this assertion of Biblical fact – that the land returned to Israel was Israel’s homeland. The Jews settled there 4,000 years ago after escaping from Egypt – the Arabs were nomadic. The Jews built Jerusalem, NOT the Arabs. If you cannot disprove these facts, then once again you self-evidence as being someone who has embraced and perpetuates… lies.) 

He doesn’t educate, he punctuates the zionist party line.  (another lying, hate filled attempts at deceit. What Prager did in his video was to simply recount the history – the documented historical facts that only an idiot would argue against. Your words “a Zionist party line” therefore can only be more lies. ) 

he told a simple half truth of which many pieces of the jigsaw of this problem are missing (you offer ZERO evidence or example – it is just your opinion).

He doesn’t mention any new and accepted debate. (“debate”? By whom? “accepted by whom? Only by liars and self-deceivers like you. Who the hell wants ‘debate’ when what is needed is truth and fact, not ‘debate’ aka ‘opinions’ – and in your case, self-proved to be based on lies. )

he is just a tool for Zionism and should simply be seen in that context so there is no morality there. (because he simply has stated historical fact, he is “just a tool for zionism”? And all you can offer in return is the word ‘debate’ as your ‘evidence’ that he is wrong and you are right simply because you say so? )

such are the powers of the victors in war. (this sentence is a good example of your habit of making totally meaningless statements as if they are valid points of view or even ‘evidence’ to support your case. Your entire response is littered with these meaningless and unproved assertions.)

It really is quite simple and interesting when one embraces all the history of the Arabs and the Jews. I have started that education Peter and I am shocked at what I have learned. We need people like you Peter to recognise the whole truth and use your untiring energy to push for equality! (in your response here you have abundantly demonstrated your inability to recognise truth as well as your complete incompetence at rational, educated debate. Which means you have proved your ability to be fooled by lies and deceits. You state that you have ‘started an education into all of the history of the Arabs and the Jews.’ and who is your ‘educator”. Yes, you previously told me: unknown people who present unproved information and opinions as if they are ‘facts.’ Unknown entities like “Global Research:” whom I years ago identified as having subvesrive socialist agendas. In contrast I provide you with a detailed explanation and references aplenty as to why I know Dennis Prager to be both moral and brilliant and truthful. But no, despite my proof of my own intelligent ability to recognise what is true and not true, and despite the abundant proof of Ddennis Prager’s character and abilities, you – like a brainwashed fool – just persist in allowing yourself to be ‘educated’ by completely unknown strangers who provide no credentials to justify your ‘believing’ them. ) but pre-supposes that you could recognise the truth.

Yes, I am aware that the UN had sanctioned this: blah blah. Do you still put your faith in the UN Peter? They handled the Bosnian and Rwandan crises well, don’t you think? Those amongst others whose outcome was to realise the innocents needlessly died. The UN, another state of the US? (Hahahahaha! Now THIS is truly the most idiotic suggestion I’ve heard in a long time. Most Americans – like most Australians – detest the UN. Hahahaha! You REALLY don’t have a damn clue!)

But here I am opening another can of worms which will have no end of grubs evident at the feed trough. Just as Australia invited herself to the Vienam War so we marched on Iraq without UN sanction and annihilated (Annihilated? Are you serious?) a population. For what reason Peter? (Yes, well, maybe you are right. The decent people of the world should just have continued to wring their hands and speak eloquently in the UN – and left Saddam to to gas to death ANOTHER 300,000 Kurds. Yep, you have all the ‘right’ the answers, Bernard.  Ye Gods!)

Do you think they are better off? Was it something we would do again given the facts? (None so arrogantly half-smart as those who pontificate about mistakes – if they were – AFTER all the ‘facts’ have become evident and AFTER the consequences of an action. These questions of yours, AFTER the fact, actually prove the severity of your meanspirited bias against our best friends in the world and ONLY protectors – they prove that you are a ‘hater’ of the West. The West went into Iraq because Saddam was not only a ruthless dictator committing genocide on the Kurds, but because he was providing a base for Al Quida. And despite all the lies, he DID have WMD’s, a fact PROVED by Syria now having used them (there is satellite evidence of ‘convoys’ of trucks running 24/7 from Iraq into Syria during the 3 months it took the Americans to enter Iraq after signalling their intentions to do so.) In the face of terror yes we should you say? Palestine next? (thismini-thesis’ you offer regarding the UN is yet another perfect example of how you are completely incapable of distinguishing fact from fiction. Go get ‘educated’ about the united nations. The UN of 1947 was a totally different organisation from the UN of today. Google the UN history and you will see that in 1947, when the Jews were given back their homeland, there were just 51 nations in the United Nations – the great majority of them Western and responsible, properly managed, civilised and ‘advanced’ nations. They made the correct and honourable decision to return that land to its historical occupants. Andf besides, if ever there were a people displaced and homeless after WWII, surely they were the Jews. At that time there were just 3 Islamic nations in the UN today there are at least 30 Islamic nations and a host of ‘backward’ 3rd world countries whose votes can be and are bought for pennies. Therefore your perception of the United Nations – comparing it then to now, which you didn’t even know you were doing! – is like comparing a car of 1920 to today’s cars and saying that “therefore today’s cars are no good and unreliable.” Context is important and you clearly have no clue of context.

you have been deluded Peter which is evident in your beliefs of the present situation (once again an asserton with zero accompanying evidence.).

Could it be that in your previous studies that you read only from the nominated texts in your quest for an education? An education it seems, (again with ‘seems’ – therefore more guesswork!)

the gaining of which is only used to brow beat anyone who disagrees with your long held views. That’s all I can really see in you Peter, a person who has never refreshed his education at all and is still at war with all and sundry (an ad hominem attack – see below)

because of being affected by the ending of apartheid of his native born land. (this is actually subtle racism. I often experience people fools attacking my “South African” background when they have no valid responses to the facts I present. )

I wonder if you see some sort of parallel with your departure from your homeland and to the issues of the Palestinians? (you can ‘wonder’ all you like. Speculation is nolt a valid counterpoint to the facts I have presented regarding the matter under discussion. Additionally, what you are engaging in is called an “ad hominem” – trying to ‘weaken’ my position by denigrating me personally – implying I have some kind of ‘hang-up’ – instead of disproving the facts presented. But even yur attemopt at demeaning me has no evidence to support it – other than you ‘wonder’ and ‘it seems.’ Classic socialist-style thinking, by the way! Taken a little further your kind of thinking becomes pure fascism. Here is how it works: Denigrate the person (always with lies) then vilify him and then ‘condemn’ him because he is [according to the fascist] a ‘villain.’ That is an ugly, ugly, totally immoral way of thinking and you have no clue that you are doing it. You ‘think’ you are being ‘intelligent’ by making statements like that. Note: my comments in this section evidence a rational analysis with which any sensible and reasonably intelligent person would concur. In contrast you make assertions and then proceed as if validation is unnecessary! )

what I do care about is the Israeli military terrorist organisation, the largest in the world and it is far more effective that any arab terrorist organisation. (oh really? So the Israeli ‘terrorists’ have been sending suicide bombers everywhere, killing 365 adults and children in Beslan, bombed the Bali nightclub, killing 200 people, plotted an attack on the Melbourne cricket grounds and the Aus. Military barracks, and countless more examples over the past thirty years. Since 911 the real terrorists – not in military uniforms which identify them as REAL soldiers – have carried out 23, 481 terrorist attacks across the world. Even if your asserting that Israel is ‘terrorist’ attacking in Gaza were true – it is absolutely not – that means one Israeli ‘terrorist’ attack compared to 23,481. Are you stupid or completely stupid? In two sentences my response proves what an idiotic statement you make by referring to a formally-structured, uniformed national army (the IDF) as ‘terrorists’ who are (according to you..hahahaha!) “more effective”.)

These words, by the way are the words of the Israeli military generals son, miko peled. You have the video there, look up his bio. (here we go again: one ‘dissident’ probably with some axe to grind that we are not told about. But you will believe that unknown person rather that myself – which plenty of credibility and credentials and Dennis Prager with a mountain of credibility. Oh no, you believe one stranger. You will assume that his bio is truthful when I have told you that over many years I was able to establish beyond doubt that Dennis Prager’s credentials are not just impeccable but far above average in terms of knowledge, intelligence and honesty. But you dismiss all that and believe the unverifiable bio of some complete stranger. Ye gods, why am I even trying to get you to think straight! It’s very obviously impossible!)

Look at it with an open mind peter without your prejudice to bind you (more assertion without any evidence to support it. What ‘prejudice’? Where is your evidence that I am prejudiced and of a ‘closed mind’? My essays posted on the OzUnited website as well as many e-mails over the past few years provide abundant proof that I am one of the most open-minded people on the planet! For your information – and I cannot provide any evidence, other than to commit that this is a true story – I was once named by an industrial psychologist as having (quote) “the most enquiring mind he had come across in 25 years of practice” – and you want to tell me I have a closed mind. You know not how utterly, ignorantly foolish you are.)

And only then you may be blessed with the ambition to look at the issues that will allow us to live in peace. (I’ll ignore your arrogant – and manifestly ignorant – condescension. It is on public record that the Islamists – including Hamas who control Palestine – have repeatedly stated that there will never be peace until Israel has been destroyed. They want to kill eight million people and they have repeatedly stated that as a ‘non-negotiable’ objective. Right now, just as I was writing this response, came the news – via the Palestine-friendly mainstream media – that Israel had offered to extend the cease-fire. Palestine’s response was…yep… to start firing more missiles at Israel . Yet you want to condescendingly tell me to look at the issues that will “allow us to live in peace” while you support their position? Are you insane?? You would not recognise the real ‘issues’ even if they slapped you over your head! )

Then, and only after recognising the corruption of the issue by the US, UK and Israel can you appreciate the sunlight through the prism of life. (once again a broad-brush accusation and condemnation with no evidence to support your statement/lie. But it get worse – as I shall detail below).

Only then will you realise that Australia is not being broken not so much from within but is absolutely corrupted by the vested interests in and of the countries without that I have mentioned. This done to a degree that we don’t even recognise we are being screwed into complementing their agenda. I suspect that it is because of the situation we find ourselves in this regard that we will never have strong and honest (moral?) Representation of our people in government. (there is true evil in this entire paragraph. First, to ‘broad-brush’ accuse our nation’s allies and our protectors of ‘corrupting’ the issue and yet provide zero evidence to support your hideous accusation is, in my view, up there with treason of the worst kind. Second, although the leaders of the nations you so smear with unproved assertions are certainly not perfect, there exists no evidence that they are deliberately ‘manipulating’ the situation so as to facilitate war. Furthermore, the collapse of moral values in the West is the direct consequence of the rise of socialist-style thinking – exactly the kind of irrational and dishonest thinking in which you indulge, as explained and exposed in this my reply to you. But for all the reduced moral values in the West, they pale into perfection in comparison to the relentless evil as so regularly demonstrated by those whom you support, the Islamic Hamas and the Islamic Palestinians. That they can allow weapons of war to be located amongst their children, that they are therefore facilitating the deaths and terrible injuries of their own children is evil beyond description. On top of your many foolish assertions, to then blame ‘other’ countries for Australia’s lack of morality displays a vast lack of intelligence. Eleanor Roosevelt observed that “nobody can do to you what you don’t allow them to do,” a wisdom that applies not only to individuals but also to nations. Australia’s collapsing moral standards are driven from within – and that evil word and attitude of irreverence so ‘proudly’ embraced within this nation is an excellent example of how too many Australians (generally) seek, at every opportunity, to degrade anything worth ‘revering.’ But even as I write this I realise that there is no way you would ever be able to understand the massive implications within the previous sentence.)

i will state to you again in clear terms, in terms you understand. The fact I mention any issue does no automatically put me at odds with the argument. The fact I mention the carnage in Gaza does not mean that I am a follower of Islam. (That’s only what you think. And while you may not be a ‘follower’ of Islam, you certainly are a ‘facilitator’ of Islam’s progress. Like a good socialist-thinker you will try and persuade me that there can be some kind of ‘grey area’ between good and evil. I’m not buying your ignorant delusions, I ‘bought’ the wisdoms derived from human experiences spanning thousands of years and ‘brain-tested’ by the greatest intellect across many hundreds of years. Them I believe, not you and your ‘brainwashed’ imaginings received from sources that you cannot even identify as being ‘friendly’. Our planet is now in the throes of a monumental struggle between good and evil. History has repeatedly proved that there is no ‘middle ground.’ either you side with good or you are automatically on the side of evil. Consider these simple realities: 1. The friends of the enemies of good are the enemies of good. 2. Islamic warmongering (“terrorism”) across the planet is evil – and you even admit that. 3. The Palestinians are the “friends” of Islam – they are Islamists. Therefore they are the enemies of good. (incidentally, your ‘mates’ the Palestinians sided with Hitler during WWII. Don’t argue – do your homework!) 4. You – and all idiots who think like you – are the “friends” of the (Palestinian) enemies of good. 5. Therefore – plain, simple and logically – you are the enemy of good. But in your infinite delusions and utter ignorance, you are the last to know it. I find the cult obcene as I do chritianity, (I swear on my mother’s grave that long before I read this sentence I was thinking… “I bet Bernard is an atheist or anti-Christian in some way.” If nowhere else in your e-mail, then your assertion that ‘Christianity is obscene’ is total proof not only of your ignorance, but your extreme arrogance. Here is the proof to back up my assertion: great minds like Thomas Jefferson not only believed that Christianity was good, but essential for freedom and progress of a society. And they proved it by founding the USA on 100% solid Christian principles – the result being the greatest freedom and progress any human society had ever known. Until the socialists (in the guise of “liberal thinkers”) came along from the 1950’s onwards and with cunning, started to deconstruct the rock-solid Christian values. For example, winning a ’freedom of speech’ court case that allowed Larry Flynt to publish and sell the hard-core porn magazine named “ Hustler.” The degenerated USA today is –just like the socialist-degenerated Australia of today – nowhere near the safe, free, low-crime, progressive society it used to be. In any event, you are so bloody arrogant as to think that you ‘know better’ than the incredibly wise “founding fathers” of the USA????! All of them rock-solid strong Christians. You have no clue of how idiotic you really are. By the way, I here again challenge you to prove that anything stated re the wisdom of the founding fathers, the greatest freedom and progress and the USA’s Christian foundations is false. And if you cannot – and you definitely cannot – then you again self-prove your abject, arrogant ignorance and intellectual deficiency. And until you – and the fools who think like you – can prove you are capable of creating a society as free, safe and progressive as the USA was, I am going to keep my bet on those wise founding fathers, and definitely not on fools with unproved theories that are ever increasingly proving to be socially-disastrous. E.g. Just look at how oh-so-‘liberal’ Australia is sliding into the sewer of social disaster….)

As between them both they have caused more suffering and misery that can be bared. (here you ‘parrot’ the most consistent and never-proved lie of the Christian-haters. As if just ‘parroting’ that sentence is all the ‘proof’ needed. Name the ‘suffering and misery caused by Christianity – repeat, Christianity, not a Roman Catholic Church of 500 and more years ago that was “Christian” in name and pretence only. Again you – and the many fools who ‘parrot’ this relentless lie – are in effect comparing a 1921 car to a 2014 model car and asserting that “therefore, today’s cars are unreliable.” Have you ever heard of a movement called the protestants? They were real Christians who protested and then revolted against the evil of the Catholic Church of that time. As a result, about 400 years ago, the so-called “Christianity” of the Catholic Church underwent massive changes – back to a ‘real’ Christianity led by the new “protestant” movements of immensely courageous men like John Wesley, Martin Luther, John Calvin and others. Do you even know those names, Bernard, let alone what they achieved? You denigrate Christianity when it was the ‘cleaned up’ Christianity – and only Christianity – of William Wilberforce that ended slavery! The result has been that in the past 100 and more years, socialism – your way of thinking and believing – has provably been responsible for the wrongful deaths of over 100 million people as compared to today’s Christianity that has not one known wrongful death to its name. In fact, whenever there is a disaster of any kind, it is always the Christians who are first to rush to help. But you ‘abhor’ Christianity – today’s Christianity – even though you and so many other ignorants like you had no clue about the abovementioned provable facts. Islamists also abhor Christianity. There is only good and evil. No ‘grey’ areas. If you abhor that which provably represents ‘good’ then you are on the side of evil. On the side of Islam because that too, like you, abhors Christianity.

To use your phrase for clarity Peter, only the “brain dead, evil and immoral” would state such a thing. Am I clear on this? Thank you. No more about it then. (I would put money on the fact that – unless you are totally…er….. “brain dead, evil and immoral” – had you been able to read my response above re “Christianity,” before you wrote this oh-so-ignorantly-confident “abhor Christianity” and “no more about it then” rubbish, you would not have dared assert your idiotically ignorant views on Christianity. Betcha that, as you read these words, your toes are curling with embarrassment at your so-blatant display of complete, abject ignorance on a subject upon which you so arrogantly opine. Bad news, Bernard. Given your insolent ‘permission’ that I can broadcast this… I WILL broadcast this. You’ll be getting the kind of fifteen seconds of fame that nobody would wish on their worst enemy!)

In closing, your offering on the mosque in bendigo gives the state of play but you in your email are not ‘leading’ to any action. Will there be a call to action peter or are you simply going to bleat your efforts in contacting the authorities. (as you saw it is a waste of time. I have already signed a petition ages ago to stop that happening and am willing to travel to bendigo to show strength of conviction in any protest. See you there at some time peter? It isn’t just the fact of the mosque, but as you have so correctly identified, the government has control over us. It’s been like that peter because of people like you who refuses to re-educate by opening your mind to what is really happening. (if you are so brilliant at devising a strategy and getting the massive support needed to make any action effective, then why are you sniping at me? Why have you not done something? Here’s the deal: … I’ll do things my way and you do what you do. Let’s see who produces an outcome and who is all mouth and hot air.)

By the way I did indicate in my email that I saw the video made by dennis prager. (if you did watch it, why have you not presented any evidence to prove that what he has stated is wrong? Or are you just simply unwilling to admit that what he has stated is 100% truth?)

However it seems now you did not read my email. (given the many proved lies you have told or repeated in this your latest e-mail to me, why should I believe that you watched that video then – and not later, when you realised that you had best watch it lest you make an even bigger fool of yourself? Get this very clear Bernard – you have self-proved to now have zero credibility in my perception of you.

I had bookmarked and also watched it a second time before your reply, to see if I could glean something that I did not already know but sadly there was none. (repeat: given your denigration of Prager, where is your counter- evidence to validate your attack on him?)

Nevertheless, a very polished offering and I think that it will satisfy some as an answer. He looks good as well don’t you think? Seems a nice bloke well groomed, a strong clear voice, authoritative, projects gravitas! Has to be true then! (intelligent people might hit the spot with sarcasm. It is invariably not a good look on others – such as yourself….)

Does his university have affiliations with zionism I wonder. ( you obviously have no clue of what you are admitting, every time you ‘wonder.’ If ever there was a first prize for admitting that you have offered your opinions – and judgments – on a person without having any clue about that person, then Bernard, you get two first prizes! Sheesh! I’m literally shaking my head and laughing in disbelief as I write this!)

Who funds it, I wonder. (“wonder” ditto…hahahaha! I KNOW who funds his work. HE does ignoranus. He has a syndicated radio show listened to by millions. It must pay very handsomly (someone with not as popular a show sold the rights for $70 million) He writes well-selling books and gives lectures. Yet again, you PROVE that you cannot match my knowledge in these matters. Yet STILL you arrogantly argue.)

I don’t know but I must delve a little to find out from which platform he speaks. (but…but… but… Bernard, way above in this interaction you already were presenting your ‘informed’ (well, obviously…not!) opinion on prager’s ‘platform’? And now you say you still have to find out what it is? Oh dear. Is that what is called a Freudian slip – or just plain old “shooting yourself in the foot.” Or ‘foot-in-mouth’ stupidity?)   

Then I can understand more of you Peter. (Don’t bother. You have self-proved to not have the intelligence needed. Best you just believe me. Oh, silly me, I forgot. You much prefer to believe TOTAL STRANGERS located somewhere unknown and unverified across the planet!) (Don’t bother. You have self-proved to not have the intelligence needed. Best you just believe me. Oh, silly me, I forgot. You much prefer to believe TOTAL STRANGERS located somewhere unknown and unverified across the planet!)

Not that that is important for any other reason as to answer a question that I am being irritated with, the question being why do I subscribe to oz united. One l reason was your self proclaimed education and intelligence on all matters worldly and for the good of Australia. (Bernard, if my responses in this e-mail doesn’t prove that I access knowledge that you will likely never ever know about, then God knows what will prove it. )

reason for me is evaporating. If you wish to further attack me on my beliefs by what amounts to mind control then I can’t help you in your efforts and endeavours. (with pure evil “friends” like you, Bernard, I definitely would never need an enema.) I would suggest that you simply wake up to yourself, you have good skills and the ability to focus people. (hmmmmm.. Now why does your ‘advice’ sound like perfect self-contradiction?)

The direction of focus I might suggest you work on a little more. You would have seen this in your travels and I think it appropriate for you to consider: “speak your truth quietly and clearly, and listen to others even the dull and ignorant for they to have their story”

(oh please, spare me your parroting of brain-dead, feel-good, pseudo-psychology out of Desiderata. Next thing you’ll be spewing at me that other much-loved piece of socialist-inspired garbage of “we adults can learn a lot from children.” )      

i know now that I was wrong to contact you initially regarding the gaza situation. I wish to apologise to you for that error of judgment which launched you into frustration. (well! If ever there was an apology that was anything but an apology, this one also earns you two first prizes!) 

I succumbed to being rather emotional after seeing women and children being slaughtered. (like a good socialist. Meaning that you let your feelings get in the way of determining the truth. You utter the most perfect of self-incriminating admissions.)

I was suckered in by our media.  (the media predominantly take the side of the supposedly ‘innocent’ Palestinian women and children. Of that there is no doubt. Your perceptions have to be seriously deficient to be believing otherwise. But then you have already proved that to be a fact….. ) 

I wish to apologise to you for that error of judgment.  (another totally insincere non-apology apology. Why do you bother? Do you seriously think I believe you?)

Peter I don’t see anything further being fruitfully discussed between us in the present light. Your demands for answers from me, I feel are not designed for you to learn something but to allow you to plunge into further ill considered attacks (once again you make an assumption that is both wrong and unjust. I am a ‘fanatic’ seeker of truth and my ‘demands’ for evidence are merely the standard by which anyone with reasonable intelligence functions. In all of our recent interactions you have offered zero credible evidence to back up your evil viewpoints – evil as proved in this response to you.)

To which I simply refuse to devote any more time. I am not at your disposal for fatuous and fanciful debate when your only reason for doing so is self serving.  If you wish, the only latitude I will allow you here is to permit you to reproduce our emails in full to your followers. However I suspect you won’t because you then have control of how your followers will view it. (you got that wrong too…didn’t you? I had already said I would be broadcasting this interaction – before I reached this part of your e-mail…. )

but then on the other hand if you are right and I am wrong, post it and make an example of me! (now this part you did get exactly right….) It will stimulate healthy debate and who knows, may accept that there is something to learn or you simply might be able to ferret out any other detractor of your line of thought. The possibility of a more sophisticated debate may present itself. Who knows? If you do publish, however, I wish to be included on the distribution list and be made available for debate.  (you will be included in the distribution – but only so that you can read what I will be saying to OzUnited subscribers in my introduction to this interaction. As others, but surely not you, will realise from my responses to you, you prove yourself to be totally not qualified to ’debate’ these issues. Therefore I have absolutely no further interest in your viewpoints. You have made them perfectly clear and, given the facts and rationales provided via my response, your viewpoints and beliefs can now be seen for what they very obviously are: perfectly… well….brain-dead.’)

Please don’t waste your time responding to the above. (I have definitely not wasted my time. My task – my primary purpose – is to get australians to think differently. The sad fact is that many – you included are determinedly stuck in upside-down thinking – a prediction, incidentally, about ‘the masses’ like yourself, made in the Judeo-Christian bible some three thousand years ago. [but hey, “what did they know” right? You of course know ‘better’ thatn those ‘abhorrent’ Christians and ‘Zionist terrorist’ Jews….. right???!!]

It is simple reality that Australia is self-destructing. The starting point for any human activity – including self-destruction – is thought patterns based on beliefs.

Therefore to counter – and reverse – Australia’s process of self-destruction, the first step is to…here I go again…change the thinking and beliefs.

Clearly I have failed to do that in your case, Bernard. In fact, in virtually every case when I have, with solid evidence, directly and personally challenged the existing thinking and beliefs of the person, I have failed to change them.

Ego and lock of moral fibre is most likely the reason why they will determinedly – like you – refuse to change, no matter how much fact, truth and evidence I present – as in this case.

However, I believe that many ‘3rd party’ people, reading this kind of interaction and receiving my responses will react differently to the way you have – especially if they are reasonably intelligent. Because they are ‘3rd parties’ and spectators to this ‘battle’ – and they are not personally involved – their egos are not involved.

As a result, they can dispassionately read what you wrote and then read my response and then – with no ego involved – make a decision as to who makes more sense, you or me.

That is why I am not ‘wasting’ time on this but ‘investing’ the time in this……for Australia’s sake!)
yours in truth, honour and the australian way  Ah… “The Australian Way.” Allow me to tell a brief story. Years ago, when I first arrived in Australia as a well-experienced and successful creator of new businesses, I established a manufacturing facility that created employment for many Australians (which alone made me a ‘better’ Australian than MOST Australians!).

I certainly had a lot to learn about “The Australian Way.’ The more I learned the more I realised that this was a nation on a freeway to disaster.

One piece of my education was to learn that even then – 30 years ago – Australia was already filled with arrogant, insolent young fools who believed they had a ‘right’ to sprout off their ignorant mouths. A ’right’ to disrespect their seniors and their superiors, although God forbid the use of such a ‘fascist’ term as ‘superiors’ in proudly – and delusionally – egalitarian Australia! (Why do most Australians believe such rubbish when clearly it IS!?)

In that instance “The Australian Way” was their ‘right’ to their opinions and ‘advice’ on how I needed to run my business, even though they themselves had never been anything more than a lowly employee who had come hat in hand looking for a job from me – all the while no doubt muttering under their beer-breath “bloody foreigner.”

(as some will no doubt be doing as they read this…hahahaha!…er… wait! No. Um… I mean to say… “Oh woe is me, I am so offended’! Who will ‘compensate’ me? The government needs to do something!” Yep. Another version of “The Australian Way”!)

Yes, as an employer, I had to learn that particular aspect of “The Australian Way”, which, incidentally, eventually prompted me to – thirty years ago, mind you – predict that soon enough Australia’s youth would be mostly unemployable.

G’wan, dare tell me that prediction has not today been proved to be true.

But I slightly digress.

One day one of those typically arrogant young morons refused to do things “my way” and started getting all puffy when I ‘pulled rank’ on him [i.e. “shut up, do your job as I tell you to do it or I will sack you and find someone who will do it as I want it done”].

Excercising what he obviously had been brainwashed into believing was his ‘right’ to come back at me, he replied, “the trouble with you South Africans is that you don’t understand The Australian Way.”

My response – moments before I told him he could collect his pay and never come back – was this; “there is no “Australian Way”, no “American Way”, no “Japanese Way,” no “South African Way,” no “Any Country Way.

There is only a RIGHT way and a WRONG way.”

So too my response to your closing “The Australian Way” Bernard.

Finally, let me take this opportunity to point out to “Australia” in general that, for about the past forty or fifty years, “The (modern) Australian Way” has been… you guessed it – the WRONG way.

After all, if the “Australian Way” had been the right way….

……. would Australia be SELF-destructing?


And finally, a message to the many – very probably you too Bernard – who [guaranteed!] immediately thought “whose ‘right’ and whose ‘wrong’?”

By even just ‘snipingly’ asking that question – one that proves ignorance – you are evidencing that you have been taught (brainwashed) to think….uh-oh….

………………the WRONG way!

You wanna ‘save Australia’?

Change your ‘typical’ thinking.

The first sign that you are refusing to do so would be if…

…you argue with me!

Repeat….change YOUR thinking, not mine…..

… for Australia’s sake!

Peter forde

ps. Show me anyone who today presents ‘deep’ truths such as these, let alone before I came along and started (to quote Thoreau) “digging deep at the roots of the problem instead of just blindly hacking at the branches.”



And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why, as terribly unworthy as I most often feel for the task needed, I humbly present myself as the most fundamentally capable by virtue of my proved (even in the above statements) ‘best’ understanding of the dynamics involved in these frighteningly complex, dauntingly challenging matters relating to what is ‘really’ going on in Australia.

Please, I beg you…… tell me I am delusional!

Because…. see…. if enough people – huge numbers instead of just the few usual idiots from the few usual villages – would tell me I am delusional, then I could happily and with a clear conscience untroubled by social responsibility and moral conscience (and all that ‘rubbish’, right?) abandon this inhumane struggle and….. just….. go…… fishing!


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6 Responses to Oz United – Jousting between fact and fiction on the Middle East problem; but saving Australia?

  1. Peter Forde says:

    In perfect keeping with your immorality, Bernard, at no time did you inform me that you had this blog and that you were publishing our e-mail communications. I don’t care that you have published what I wrote because i am happy to always stand by my words, publicly or otherwise. What I do care about is the lack of morality you display and the fact that you may be (mis)leading astray others too gullible and ignorant to know better. Your blog perfectly exemplifies a serious problem that I recently came to realise: Australia is afflicted by a n umber of intellectual viruses. They are passed from one person to another merely via ‘contact’ – much like some biological viruses. ‘ignorance’ virus. There’s the ignorance virus, the delusion virus, the idiot virus, the arrogance virus, the conspiracy theory virus and many others. With this ‘blog’, you would be a primary carrier and infecter – only I doubt many waste too much time paying attention to you.
    Peter Forde


    • HeliTramp says:

      Peter, it was your ignorance which prompted me to publish our correspondence. As usual you ‘shoot from the hip’ when you assume that I had this blog before our words to each other. I’m not going to condemn you for that Peter as I have come to believe that is just you. I commenced my blog after those exchanges to provide readers another point of view than that of our main stream press. I provide further reading on subjects of mutual interest and then you ban me from contacting you. That is your prerogative.
      It is necessary that followers of your blog be at least given some opportunity to see that you and all your manifestations of intelligence are, in many instances, well off the mark as you now, and have in the past, demonstrated clearly to me. Sadly, when this is pointed out to you, your “intelligence” commands you to write insulting abuse. I thought that your more intelligent followers may have noticed this by now. Do you have any left?
      We discussed at one time publishing our individual comments, did we not? I did so after you wrote to ban me from ‘OzUnited’. That posting is unfinished business and fully intend to revisit and give compelling evidence just why people like you either keep up with the corrected subject matter as published by eminent authorities in their field or “get out of the kitchen” and stop pushing and bullying people to believe and trust your points of view.
      I also gave, within my argument with you, a list of readings which should refresh your and even possibly change your views. I imagine your arrogance will not allow you to learn or understand new information which is released from far greater scholars that you may have read in your past. Peter, really, you should give up your self appointed notion as being the saviour of our nation and…….go bowling! I think your bias might be better utilised there?
      Have you read Alison Weirs, ‘Against our better Judgement’ yet? You were advised to. ‘Hidden History – The Secret Origins of the First World War’ by Gerry Docherty and Jim MacGregor. Why don’t you do yourself a favour and read these and only then will you start to realise that the path you are treading to “Save Australia” might better be accomplished by piddling into the wind! There are many, many books which challenge dogma and cherished ‘history’. Open your mind Peter. Do your readers a favour. There really is much to be done. You remind me of a fire-fighter who is busy fighting the grass fire while the forest fire rages around him!
      Thanks for taking time from your busy schedule Peter to join me here. Why don’t you take me off your banned list and we can become closer! But then, no, don’t. I’m sure I won’t devote the time to read what you offer. My time is more valuable that that.
      Thanks again Peter for your visit.


  2. Denver says:

    I like the helpful information you provide in your articles.

    I will bookmark your weblog and check again here regularly.

    I am quite certain I will learn a lot of new stuff right here!
    Good luck for the next!


    • HeliTramp says:

      Thank you for your comment. My purpose for this blog is to try and present another side to well worn arguments and points of view we have been conditioned to accept. There are many widely held beliefs that are, frankly, amongst other things, dangerous. So if bringing them out in forum such as this provokes discussion we are well on the way to addressing those beliefs.


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